2025 NSH Laboratory Webinar Series
January 22, 2025 - December 31, 2025
Wednesday, December 31, 2025
2025 NSH Laboratory Webinar
Easy - Affordable - Great Value!
Laboratory Webinars are a great, inexpensive way to provide continuing education to a large number of employees. The cost for each session is the same, regardless of the number of attendees. You can purchase individual sessions or the full series for a discounted price. You can attend live or watch on-demand for 1-year and STILL EARN CEUs!
2025 Laboratory Webinar Program (see “Function Tab” on the left for webinar descriptions)
- Wednesday, January, 22, 2025 - Forget-Me-Not: How to Demystify Dementia
- Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - When Worlds Collide Through Organ Donation: A Personal Story
- Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - Assessing Adhesion Slide Performance Across Histology Applications
- Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - The Histologist’s Role in the Diagnosis of Rare Tumors
- Wednesday, May 28, 2025 - Embedding Basics and Troubleshooting
- Wednesday, June 25, 2025 - Troubleshooting H&E
- Wednesday, July 23, 2025 - How To Leverage Cognitive Diversity
- Wednesday, August 27, 2025 - Xylene Free Histology
- Wednesday, September 17, 2025 -Updates on PD-L1 and the Companion Diagnostic Landscape
- Wednesday, October 22, 2025 - Fatal Factors of Sickle Cell Trait
- Wednesday, November 19, 2025 - Special Stains
- Wednesday, December 17, 2025 - Digital Pathology-Pathway to Slide Level Integration
How It Works and How To Register
Step 1: Select a primary contact. Your primary lab contact will receive the login details for the live event and the recording access information.
Step 2: The primary contact registers for the webinar series, or select webinars. You can also add a back-up contact who will be copied on this information. Add them when the primary contact is registered.
Step 3: Confirm/pay for sessions - 1 time.
Step 4: About 1 week before each live event, your primary lab contact will receive a unique zoom link to join the live presentation. Lab contacts can forward those details to everyone in their lab.
Step 5: Watch the live event, or watch the recording which will be emailed to the lab contact about 1 week after the live webinar. You will have access for one year from the date of the live airing.
Registration Fees
You can register for all 12 webinars for $899.00 or a la crate for $99.00 a webinar. You pay one price for your lab, no matter how large.
Registration Fees
Price Description | Amount |
A La Carte Member (Pay $99 Per Webinar) | $0.00 |
A La Carte Non Member (Pay $99 Per Webinar) | $0.00 |
Full Series Member (Complete Series) | $899.00 |
Individual Non Member (Complete Series) | $899.00 |
Available Functions
January Webinar - Forget-Me-Not: How to Demystify Dementia This webinar will delve into basic gross anatomy and physiology of the human brain, using "The Snipes/Fidler Technique" to identify neurodegenerative changes in areas with predilection for cortical and subcortical dementias, from gross to micros diagnosis. We will examine Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and white matter diseases, frontotemporal lobar dementias, and Pick's disease, while identifying histologic and microscopic detailed senescent changes. Application of six (6) common IHC and/or Special stains will be discussed. From gross to diagnosed, the histotechnician will be able to identify their critical role in reaching a dementia diagnosis for the patient, as well as identify potential onset which may be helpful in disease management for the caregiver. |
$99.00 | |
February Webinar - When Worlds Collide Through Organ Donation: A Personal Story Working in the world of Laboratory Medicine, it can be devastating when your professional world collides with your personal world. Life stops in its tracks, and you wonder what is next?! Join two laboratory professionals--who happen to be family--as we share our personal journey through a case study (or as we call it, life) that includes laboratory medicine, becoming a potential organ recipient, being a patient, and the living organ donation process. By sharing our journey, we hope to bring awareness of organ donation and potentially inspire registration to donate the gift of life. |
$99.00 | |
March Webinar - Assessing Adhesion Slide Performance Across Histology Applications Adhesion slides are widely preferred for IHC to aid in securing tissue sections to the slide and prevent reworks that could potentially postpone a patient diagnosis and drive-up costs in the lab. This session will discuss our work in testing slide adhesion in a wide-ranging test which ultimately suggested that it is important to determine what the needs are for your laboratory based on the types of staining done and tissue types used. |
$99.00 | |
April Webinar - The Histologist’s Role in the Diagnosis of Rare Tumors Routine H&Es, special stains (histochemical/IHC), FISH, EM, and other ancillary testing modalities, and the role of the histotech are all critical in diagnosis. This talk with cover diagnosis of rare tumors and will discuss patient presentation, imaging/clinical, initial and subsequent histology, ancillary testing, diagnosis and outcomes. |
$99.00 | |
May Webinar - Embedding Basics and Troubleshooting This session will discuss the basics of embedding and tackle tips and tricks to fix and prevent embedding issues. |
$99.00 | |
June Webinar - Troubleshooting H&E This session will review the basic principles and guidelines for proper Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining so that you can confidently and quickly get to the bottom of the issue. A brief history of H&E will be covered and a look into what pre-analytical processes could affect the H&E stain. |
$99.00 | |
July Webinar - How To Leverage Cognitive Diversity This webinar will will discuss cognitive diversity and demonstrate ways that you can leverage the professional experiences and perspectives of your team to help solve problems, analyze data, and improve existing systems. |
$99.00 | |
August Webinar - Xylene Free Histology Although xylene has been a staple ingredient in traditional histology practices for decades, there is no denying that safe and effective solutions exist that eliminate unnecessary exposure for histology professionals. The topic of xylene-free histology processing has been growing, and more and more labs are finding success as they transition away from traditional methods of sample handling. Replacing xylene with isopropyl alcohol during tissue processing saves money, is easy to do, and eliminates hazardous chemical exposure. The results offer comparable and, often, superior tissue sectioning and slide quality. Multiple first-hand experiences and examples will be discussed as well as other solutions to reduce chemical exposure risks for the histology professional. This presentation is intended to offer guidance and be a resource for individuals interested in eliminating xylene from their daily histology processes. |
$99.00 | |
September Webinar - Updates on PD-L1 and the Companion Diagnostic Landscape IHC based Companion Diagnostics are key enablers of Precision Medicine and have drastically changed the pathology practice. PD-L1, or programmed death-ligand 1, is a critical biomarker that is used to predict responses to certain immunotherapies. Multiple PD-L1 IHC assays have been approved by the FDA as companion diagnostics and are critical to determine the PD-L1 expression levels in different tumors. In this presentation we will review recent updates on the PD-L1 testing landscape and discuss best laboratory practices for PD-L1 testing. |
$99.00 | |
October Webinar - Fatal Factors of Sickle Cell Trait Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) affects nearly 300 million people worldwide. Awareness that SCT is not an entirely benign condition is growing, but many pathologists and clinicians overlook the fact that sickling may become fatal under certain conditions in patients with the trait. At autopsy, micro-occlusive sickling is identified and SCT is confirmed by postmortem hemoglobin fractionation which proves the trait to be a contributory factor to the cause of death. This workshop discusses the controversy of SCT as a contributory cause of death, and explores autopsy findings in hospitalized patients with SCT dying of natural disease. Participants will get an understanding of the difference between the trait and the actual disease. We will also take a glimpse at S/E hemoglobinopathy, a rare form of sickle disease. |
$99.00 | |
November Webinar - Special Stains Review of some regularly used special stains such as PAS and GMS. |
$99.00 | |
December Webinar - Digital Pathology-Pathway to Slide Level Integration A fully integrated and interoperable clinical digital pathology workflow using whole slide images (WSI) requires robust and dynamic integrations between the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and Image Management System (IMS). Most solutions to date have rested on only a case level integration which lacked the slide level details that would allow for optimal case management, slide status traceability, and quality control. In this presentation, I will discuss the features and advantages of a slide level integration for a clinical digital pathology workflow. The presentation will also review the foundations of a digital path workflow, emerging perspectives, and common pitfalls. |
$99.00 |
Name | Organization | Speaking At |
No travel needed. NSH webinars can be streamed from your lab or office anywhere in the world!
Please note you may not use the purchased login information at multiple locations of your organization. Only one site may use the login for the live event. If you have additional sites interested in a webinar, they must register. NSH offers group/multi site discounts. Please contact connie@nsh.org for more information.
Continuing Education
How Does It Work?
What do I need to participate?
You will need a computer with speakers and an internet connection to view the presentation. All sessions will take place at 1:00pm ET.
Do Sessions Qualify for Continuing Education?
Registrants who attend the live or on-demand sessions will receive CEU Credit (accepted by ASCP, Florida's CE Brokers & PACE). Site coordinators will receive an email including a PDF with a link to the archived recording and the handout. Please save all of these resources for future reference. Each webinar that you have registered for will have its own unique link and is available for 1 year from the air date that still qualifies for CE Credits.as well.
What if we missed the live event & want to order it?
If you purchase a webinar but miss the live event you will receive an archived version for viewing. You and your lab can watch on-demand for 1-year and STILL EARN CEUs!!
Travel Info
No travel needed. NSH webinars can be streamed from your lab or office anywhere in the world!
Please note you may not use the purchased login information at multiple locations of your organization. Only one site may use the login for the live event. If you have additional sites interested in a webinar, they must register. NSH offers group/multi site discounts. Please contact connie@nsh.org for more information.